well, I hate to see you go it alone with your dumb stories, sam, so here is one of mine.
I call this story, "I Hate Julius Brown."
It begins on a dark night at Why Sound, whence the Recovering Alcoholics had sojourned afoot (plus Scott McFarland) to seek out entertainment for their boozy minds. Or maybe we were headed to Mulligans. Either way, we ended up at the door of why sound, me with a beer under my coat.
Tim saw us and came out to talk and I made an emphatic gesutre, forgetting that the beer was pinned to my body with my elbow, and down it fell with a great crash and splash. And all I could do was walk away.
Thats not the most embarassing part, though. Read on for the best part of the story.
I managed to track down a party that night with my fiance (now husband), a few people I considered friends, a few people I was acquainted with, and a bunch of people I didn't know. I had seen Julius's face (and balls... yuck) around town, and so I was prepared for the leg humping that I got when I saw him that night... I just thought there would be some end to it. Mostly my mistake, I suppose (but come on FT! You coulda kicked his ass!). Anyway, he kept humping my leg, and every time he did it it would piss me off more, and I started drinking faster and faster as I got angrier and angrier, and then...
I grabbed Julius by his belly-shirt and dumped a beer on his head. A moment of which I can find no recollection in my brain.
I woke up at home the next morning with a scratched knee (I must have fallen on the sidewalk outside), an unopened pack of cigarettes, and a bad feeling.
In the film noir version of this story, Julius has already agreed to play himself and the film will end when the girl that plays me falls onto the sidewalk and mouths the words, "I hate Julius Brown."